Is It Safe To Drink Alkaline Water Everyday?

Alkaline water has grown in popularity as a claimed panacea for health and wellness in recent years. We know it can maintain a healthy pH balance, enhance hydration, and even prevent disease. But is it safe to drink alkaline water everyday? To assist you in making an informed choice, we will examine the topic in-depth […]
Breaking Down Some Myths & Misconceptions about Alkaline Water

There are so many online myths and misconceptions about alkaline water makes it difficult to find the truth. Self-described “experts” who want to sell us other products frequently also make such bogus claims to mislead common people and earn a profit. Others who are opposed to any alternative healthcare strategy that is not a prescription […]
The Science Behind Alkaline Water: Fact or Fiction?

Drinking alkaline water counteracts the blood’s inherent acidity because alkaline water has a higher pH. The water’s proponents claim that this effect has some health advantages that normal water does not. Such claims make us more inquisitive about what really is the science behind alkaline water. Recent years have seen a huge increase in interest […]